When and Where will UBEC take place?

  • UBEC takes place annually in September, in Salt Lake City. See homepage for updates on specific venues and dates


Is my research relevant to UBEC?

  • Could be! We are interested in everything related to biomedical engineering, including biomechanics, neuroengineering, biomaterials, therapeutics, business of medicine/device design, cardiovascular engineering, medical data science and computation, and medical imaging. Feel free to reach out to ubec.organizers@gmail.com if you have further questions.


I don’t do Biomedical research. Can I still attend?

  • Absolutely! We love having everyone with an interest in the community attend, whether it be from a business, governmental, or simply personal interest. Come connect with us!


I love UBEC and want to support it, where can I donate?

  • UBEC is only possible thanks to gracious sponsors and donors. Thank you very much for your interest and you can find more information here


Is there a registration fee?

  • Due to the generous support of our sponsors, registration is free.


How do I register for the conference?

  • Please follow the instructions on this page. If you plan on presenting, remember to submit an abstract as well!


How do I submit an abstract?

  • You can submit an abstract using this form. If you plan on presenting, remember to register as well!


I am a Utah BME grad student and will be unable to attend UBEC. What should I do?

  • We encourage all BME students and faculty to participate in UBEC. Attendance is expected for students and abstract submission required of anyone 2 years or more into their graduate program. However, there are circumstances where attendance is impossible. If this is the case, please email ubec.organizers@gmail.com. If you cannot come, please submit an poster abstract and allow a labmate or friend to present for you!