Registration is open for UBEC 2024 which will be held on September 21st, 2024. Click here to register.
Abstract submission is open for Oral and Poster Presentations at UBEC 2024! The abstract deadline is August 20th, 2024, at 11:59 PM. Click here to submit an abstract. In addition to an abstract for a poster to be judged, a poster pdf must be uploaded by September 9th at 11:59 PM. Abstract submission is open until September 9th at 11:59 PM, but any abstracts submitted after the August 20th deadline will be ineligible for podium presentation, and posters will not be judged.
Abstracts will be reviewed and selected according to the following criteria.
- Scientific merit and novelty of the research
- Presence of sufficient experimental data to support the conclusion
- Relevance to the field of biomedical engineering
- Overall clarity and quality of the technical writing
Abstracts may fit into one of the following subjects or be of general interest to the biomedical engineering community.
- BioInnovate
- Biomaterials and Therapeutics
- Biomechanics
- Cardiovascular Engineering
- Data Science and Computation
- Imaging
- Neuroengineering
Abstract Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Do I put all authors names or just one name in the abstract submission form?
A: Please put only the first (corresponding) author's name in the abstract submission form. There will be places to specify additional authors for the Poster/Podium upload forms.
Q: Do references count towards the word count?
A: No, references do not count towards the word count, but please be reasonable with reference inclusion.
Q: I will be out of town on September 21st and cannot make it to UBEC. What should I do?
A: We encourage all students and faculty to participate in UBEC. Attendance is required for all students and abstract submission is required of anyone who is currently in or past their 2nd year in the program. We also acknowledge that there are some circumstances where attendance is not reasonable. If this is the case, please email your rationale to Ty Jones with the subject line UBEC 2024 Absence - First Name Last Name. Where possible, we would encourage you to still submit an abstract and provide a poster to a lab mate who could hang and/or present it on your behalf.
Q: If the BME department is requiring UBEC attendance, will they provide financial support for poster printing?
A: A few scholarships are available for poster printing through the BME department. Please see the link above for information. Please contact Ty Jones if you have questions regarding Poster Printing Aide.